Artists Directory

If you are an artist and a member of the Wassenberg Art Center we will happily list examples of your work, links to your contact information a head shot, bio, and pictures of your work! Simply email us your bio pasted into an email. Please spell check as information will be be cut and pasted. Include up to eight photos of your work at 1400 pixels on the longest side and a head shot and email to: and we’ll let you know how to take advantage of this marketing feature!

Patricia Rayman

Patricia Rayman

Disciplines: Watercolor, painting, drawing, mixed media. Patricia Rayman is a practicing teacher of the arts for all ages. Born and educated on the East Coast, she was initially taught by working professionals from New York City. She is a graduate of the New Jersey...

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Beth Ross Yurich

Beth Ross Yurich

Disciplines: Painting, collage, mixed media Email: Elizabeth Ross Yurich graduated from Cooper School of Art with a focus in communication design and printmaking. She has been working in multimedia of...

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Hope Wallace

Hope Wallace

Disciplines: Painting, fine art-carved ceramic sculpture, found object sculpture, Illustration. Email: hopewallace57@yahoo.comwww.hopemakesart.com Hi! I have a background in Marketing...

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